Sunday, December 7, 2014

AVT422 finale

After going through Senior Seminar, AVT422, my career aspirations have not changed. We have had a variety of guest speakers that showed how diverse the opportunities are for pilots however, my heart is still set on the airlines. After having the guest speaker from Delta talk about how the airlines work, I am almost more excited to become an airline pilot. I have always been for a routine life and do not mind having a set schedule months in advanced. Having a speaker talk about how the merge worked was interesting as well. The only thing that might change in my career is I might fly cargo, maybe kalitta, to get some heavy time. It was nice having the cargo pilots talk about their life style and how “the board” works. It was rally nice hearing about some of the things they fly, like the xbox360s.

For the next five years my goals are to finish school. For this goal I need to finish up my commercial, CFI, and multi-engine. After that I plan to become a flight instructor. Right now I do not have a specific place I would do this at. If I had to choose now, I would chose somewhere in Florida, since I have family there and the weather is much nicer. After getting my 1000 hours I would then become a regional pilot. It is really hard to determine the best one to work for, with the industry changing, however express jet seams to be hiring, last I checked. If by some miracle I finish all of that with in five years, I would than go work for Delta.