Sunday, September 7, 2014

About Myself

          In aviation there is an event all pilots experience known as being "bitten by the bug." In seventh grade I was "bitten" through the boy scout program when a pilot was offering free discovery flights, for aviation merit badges. Naturally I, along with every other scout, could not resist and found ourselves behind the controls. Ever since that flight I could not see myself doing anything else other than being a pilot. 

         After high school I enrolled into Eastern Michigan University's flight program and have been working on my dream to become an airline pilot. I am currently a senior working on my commercial rating. I expect to graduate April 2015 and start off as a CFI, until I meet all my hour requirements. 

         My name is Joseph Beard and I am creating this blog for my AVT422 Aviation Senior Seminar class. Though this blog I will be exploring multiple areas of aviation and giving my thoughts on them. By the end of this class I hope to further understand the diverse opportunities that aviation offers.

1 comment:

  1. Nice introduction. You will have plenty of opportunity to learn more about the airlines industry throughout this course - a couple of our speakers are from this sector of the industry.
