Monday, September 29, 2014

Corporate Aviation

In the would of aviation there are two big end goals for pilots, the airlines and corporate, but what do they offer? Pilots who go into the airlines get a routine life, with good pay, and can either be active or on reserves. Active pilots get their schedule and fly it, reserves however, are different. While on reserve, pilots get a schedule of times they are on call. Once called, they get a time period to report to their flight. Corporate is a little different on job offers. While flying corporate pilots can be chief pilots. A chief pilot, In Part 119, “Air Operator – Certification general aviation certificate holders are required to employ a ‘senior person’ who is responsible for ‘air operations and the supporting ground operations’”. The chief pilot essentially oversees the aviation department and is in charge of all the pilots.

There has been a long standing debate on if corporate aviation is profitable to companies. Ever since the big three fielded bankruptcy and were found to have spend billions on their aviation programs, only negative things have been said about corporate aviation. While aviation programs cost a lot of money they do contribute to companies. Because companies have their own jets they do not need to go through the airlines anymore. This allows company heads to do more meetings, around the world, in a more timely manor. This also allows companies to land at smaller airports, that may be closer to where they need to be. Lastly, companies can rent out their planes generating more revenue.

One example of a corporate program is Dow Chemical. Dow is one of the most  wanted pilots jobs in Michigan. Their fleet consists of CRJ’s, G405‘s, a G550, and in 2015 the G650. In order to work for Dow one must have the requirements for the ATP and know someone in the company. Dow Chemical is based in Saginaw on the north west ramp, next to the FBO, with two heated hangers.



  1. Did you see the Dow presentation at Eagle last year? It does sound like a good company.

  2. Do you know what kind of corporate fleet Dow chemical has? Not too long ago Dow had special "high priority" flights with Delta out of Detroit. We never could quite get those flights out on time. I'm not sure if they said, "enough with airlines," and bought a corporate fleet since then.
